20 The Silent Cartographer: Evolved is a ground-up re-imagining of the Halo: Combat Evolved map of the same name. You can also run any level manually by starting the game with the -console command line argument and using the console command mapname (for example mapname a30 to run the Halo level). Would be cool to use the dev console in campaign like you can on the original halo pc versionThat would be nice to have I agree., You just have to look for it unsure if you are allowed to use it I would provide a link for some dev tools during campaign such as loading in weapons, vehicles ect. Halo - Combat Evolved for PC Cheats - Cheatbook is the resource for the latest tips, unlockables, cheat codes, easter eggs, hints and secrets to get the edge to win. For example, to launch a server with the following parameters: Name: 'HaloDS'.

Any console command can be invoked in the init.txt file (see Console Commands below for a list of available console commands). Halo Dedicated Server uses init.txt file (located in the installation directory) to pre-set some of the server options and setup map cycling.